November 14, 2021

5 Reasons why Eating Organic is Better for you and Your Family

Eating organic is a big decision. Many people are choosing organic food because they want to eat healthier and support organic farmers, but there are many other reasons that organic food is better for you! Organic farming practices produce foods with fewer pesticides than conventional methods. In addition, organic crops contain more vitamins and minerals than their conventionally grown counterparts. This post will talk about 5 of the top benefits of eating organic food so that you can make an informed decision when making your next grocery list!

The Benefits of Organic Food

Pesticide-free organic foods have been shown to reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, and other diseases caused by exposure to toxic chemicals. Many studies show that organic food has significantly lower concentrations of pesticides than conventionally grown crops. In addition, organic meat is raised without antibiotics or growth hormones which can harm your long-term health.  It's important to note that organic does not mean pesticide-free! Many organic farmers use pesticides, but they are derived from natural substances rather than synthetic chemicals.

Organic foods can help improve your health!

Organic food reduces the risk of obesity and other health problems related to modern agriculture practices. In addition, organic farming methods reduce erosion and water pollution caused by chemical fertilizers. Many organic farmers use sustainable organic farming methods which encourage healthy soil that is able to maintain its natural balance without synthetic chemical additives or fertilizers. This organic farming method allows organic foods to taste better and be more nutritious. Eating organic reduces your exposure to pesticides, antibiotics, growth hormones—all of which have been linked to health problems like weight gain in children and adults alike. In addition, organic foods contribute less of these pollutants into our water supply which means it's healthier for you and everyone around you! These benefits not only reduce your risk of health problems, but organic food tastes better too!

Organic foods are more nutritious and contain more vitamins!

Organic foods are more nutrient-dense. There have been many studies that show organic crops contain higher amounts of vitamins and minerals than conventionally grown produce. Organic farming methods encourage healthy soil which means plants absorb nutrients from the soil instead of chemical fertilizers adding them. If organic foods are more nutritious, that means they contain higher levels of vitamins. While food fortification is allowed in organic farming practices and isn't a bad thing per see the high amounts of synthetic supplementation used to make up for any nutrient deficiencies can lead to adverse effects on your health over time—especially when it comes to children's development.

Organic farming uses less water, land, energy, and chemicals than conventional methods.

Organic food is better for the environment. Many organic farmers use sustainable farming practices that reduce pollution and land degradation caused by pesticides, chemical fertilizers, deforestation, and other human-caused environmental issues. In addition to benefiting your health in multiple ways, organic foods contribute less of these pollutants into our water supply which means it's healthier for you and everyone around you!

Sustainable organic agriculture can help protect our planet's natural resources.  

In organic farming, soil erosion is largely reduced because organic farmers don't use chemical fertilizers. In addition, organic farms have been shown to reduce the risk of groundwater pollution and contamination with heavy metals like arsenic which are common in conventional methods.  Organic food also reduces your carbon footprint by reducing deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural practices that rely on tilling and chemical fertilization.

Organic foods are free of antibiotics, growth hormones, or added chemicals that can harm your health over time!

Many organic farmers use pesticides derived from natural substances instead of synthetic chemicals used in conventional farming methods. In addition to reducing environmental pollution caused by agricultural chemicals, organic farming practices reduce the risk of human contamination with toxic pesticides found in non-organic food.

Green Era Chicago is committed to creating sustainable communities by supporting local food production through better management of organic, biodegradable waste and access to nutrient soil. Learn more about the project at

Green Era: A comprehensive solution to complex problems